The old saying timing is everything is important when it comes to internet gambling tax refunds. One of the realities to gambling in the United States is the fact that the IRS there demands a 30% tax on all winnings for non-US residents. Of course, that’s the downside. The upside is that with the right information on your side about the timing involved, you might be able to declare more of those winnings that you previously thought.
The reason is simple. The rules allow you to claim refunds for money you’ve won over the last three calendar years. However, if you’ve won in the present year, you’ll need to wait until next year before you claim.
We’re experts in getting you the internet gambling tax refunds you need. Because we’re a registered agent of the IRS, we know the ins and outs of getting you the most money. Take a look at the testimonials on our website and you’ll see the names of people that understand the value of letting us look after their internet gambling tax refunds. Why not take a look at our list of taxable games so you know where you stand?