It’s more than just a little disappointing when you return from an American gambling trip to find that Uncle Sam wants to hold back 30% in tax on casino winnings. Some Canadians think that’s just what they have to put up with when they head down south for a gambling junket, but we’re here to tell you that you can get a sizable chunk back.
Here at Refund Management we make it our business to get as much possible back in your wallet. If you take a few minutes to look on our website you’ll see all the simple requirements that get you started because clear and transparent customer relationships is our number one priority.
We even have customer testimonials from people just like you who used our service and were pleased enough to leave a good word on the site. Adding to the good news is the fact that we pay the money back to you in the same currency you won it in—American dollars.
If you’re looking for the right people who can get that tax on casino winnings refunded to you as quickly as possible, there’s no need to look any further than right here at Refund Management. We’ve got the experience you can trust.