We’ve Got The Solution To Online Poker Tax

Online poker has become one of the biggest gambling enterprises in recent memory and regardless of whether you’re a casual or professional player you need to keep in mind that Uncle Sam will be looking for his 30% withholding tax.

So if that kind of online poker tax has got you down read on to find out the solution that we present here at Refund Management Services. We specialize in looking after refunds for Canadians and other foreign nationals who have been gambling in the United States and want to get a fair portion back of the money that’s been withheld from their winnings.

Our solutions apply to a number of different popular gambling games including online poker and we encourage our clients to keep receipts because losses can be claimed against winnings to lessen the amount of money that you owe to the IRS.

Working with us means that you’ll be privy to all the insider information like the IRS three-year filing rule that allows you to go back that long to look for any possible refunds. Why not get in touch with us today so we can fill you in on everything else that you’ll need to know about the online poker tax?

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